Creating my own ticketing system

How I created my DIY ticketing system through Linode cloud based platform, hosting my own docker container and using Peppermint ticketing system

Rudy Postigo

5/21/20243 min read

Thank you Network Chuck👌

I use this YouTube Creator by the name of Network Chuck, he has a knack for teaching and explaining step by step process on setting up practically anything, he's hyped up on coffee and speaks fast, so you may have to pause and replay at times. Totally worth watching if you're looking to learn a few things about networking.

His link is here:

I used a cloud based platform called Linodes | Akamai Cloud Manager , I had trouble creating an account initially and kept getting declined for some reason. Instead I created a free and created my Linode account through GitHub and that did the trick.

From this point I clicked the blue Create button at the top and you'll have a drop down menu which I choose LINODE

  • From there this next screen will pop up and I picked "MarketPlace" at the top page and in the search bar I typed in Peppermint

  • From there I selected the image and picked Ubuntu

  • From there I picked my region closest to me and that was Los Angeles

  • Next screen popped up and clicked shared CPU and went with the Nanode 1 GB which is super cheap

  • Scroll to the bottom and picked Linode Label "doyouhaveaticket", it can be whatever label to like, choose your password and then hit "Create" on the bottom right corner.

  • From this point I let Linode do it's thing and the next screen that will pop-up will let you know it's done, from there I clicked "Launch LISH Console"

  • From there I was taken to a CML(Command Line) screen and this next screen popped-up, login as : root and the password I set and boom, I'm signed on as the user. Next I typed the following command "docker ps" and the next screen below will show my port number I'll be using to sign on with my reverse DNS. Once I know my port number, I will close out the LISH screen and go the main.

  • I'll choose "Network" and from that screen I'll scroll down and see "Reverse DNS", I'm going to highlight my reverse DNS IP address and use the port # I have from the LISH screen and punch that into the web broswer of my host computer and VIOLA I have Peppermint up and loaded ready to go. I used the default sign-in which is "" and default password 1234. From there I started messing around and started creating my own tickets with friends and family that needed I.T support.